Submitting a request, starting a topic

  • Here are a few tips to help you get the most success from your request.

    • Feel free to write your request in english. One of the moderators will add a translation for our german members who can't read english. And if they reply in german, we will also translate their answers for you :)
    • If you know the exact region or location, please post on the relevant board.
      This might be Regional Research (Germany), or Former German Provinces or Other Countries for other european countries.
      This insures that your posting is seen by others who are interested in this area and can therefore help you more.
      Otherwise, just post in Suchanzeigen >> Research Requests, and the moderators will move it, if necessary, to a more suitable board.

    • Simply saying "Looking for Schmidt" isn't going to get much response, as it is much too general, and offers nothing where we can start looking for connections
      You have a much better chance of getting help, if you can let us know as much as possible.
      Nicknames may help, or names and dates of any events (birth, baptism,marriage, death, burial, etc).

      Example: Hans Müller, born 12th. December 1721 in Böttingen/Dornstadt

      Try to be as precise as possible with place names. If you know the area as well, or the parish, or county, or any other details .... please include them :)
      As in every country, there is often more than one place with this name.
      It's also possible, that the name has changed slightly, over time, or that the borders changed, and the place name used was then in another language.
      This is especially prevalent in the former eastern provinces of Germany, where every place had at least two names, german and polish, and sometimes even a third name (local dialect)
      (see also Topic: 'What's in a name ....' : Tips on european names. )

    • It helps to know which sources you have already tried, so we don't just duplicate work you have already done ...
      .... or just tell you things you know already :(

    The Ahnenforschung.Org Team wish you every success in your researches.