Auswanderung 1868 nach Amerika

  • Hallo

    Hat jemand Informationen über die auswanderung von Adalbert Vogl und seiner Frau Theresia Vogl geb. Hartmann. :help:

    Die beiden sind im Juni 1868 nach Amerika ausgewandert. Ich weis nur dass die beiden aus dem Raum Podersam stammen.

    Mfg Peter

    Dauersuche :computer:

    Tobisch, Schuh, Pulz, Wagner, Halbhuber, Orgelmeister, Hergl und Kral in Böhmen
    Hoferer,Riederer, Meier, Hofherr und Seidl in Bayern

    Viele Grüße Peter

  • Hallo Peter

    In den Passagierlisten von Castle Garden finde ich nichts passendes,
    auch nicht unter anderen Schreibweisen des Nachnamens Vogl.

    Woher weisst du, dass sie 1868 ausgewandert sind? Könnte es
    auch 1886 sein, denn da gäbe es einige wenige Treffer.
    (Adalbert, Theresia, Theresa, Therese Vogel je ein Treffer
    alle im Mai oder Juni ausgewandert, zu Vogl gibts nichts.)

    Ich müsste noch wissen, wann diese Personen geboren worden
    sind oder wie alt sie bei der Auswanderung ungefähr waren.
    Weisst du auch die Namen der Eltern der beiden?

    Wo befindet sich denn Podersdam (bei Castle Garden und bei
    vielen Quellen in den USA steht meistens nicht der genaue Ort,
    sondern nur die Region (Preussen, Bayern, Baden usw.)


  • Habe einen Adalbert und eine Theresia Vogl auf den Kanadischen Passagierlisten 1865 - 1935 gefunden. Dort ist vermerkt, dass sie aus Austria bzw. Tschechoslowakei stammen würden. Habe leider keine Vollmitgliedschaft und kann daher nicht nachsehen. Aber ich denke das es sich hierbei um die gesuchten handelt, da Podersdam im Sudetenland lag.


  • Hallo Peter und Georg

    Da hätte ich ja noch lange suchen können, kein Wunder dass ich sie in New York nicht gefunden habe,
    denn Auswanderer nach Kanada sind entweder in Halifax, Nova Scotia oder in Quebec angekommen.

    Hier habe ich mal einige Links zu Kanada zusammengestellt:

    Linkliste Auswanderer Kanada


  • Hallo Peter!

    Ich habe mir die Kanadischen Passagierlisten 1865 - 1935 bei ancestry angesehen und es gibt eine Frau Theresia Vogl ihre Tochter Theresia und ihr Sohn Adalbert. Vater Adalbert war schon in Canada. Ich glaube nicht daß diese zu Dir gehören da sie 23. Mai 1927 in Quebec angekommen sind. Ich habe eine Kopie von der Schiffliste.

    MFG Liselotte

  • British Colombia - Death Index

    Adalbert Vogl , männlich, 89 Jahre, + 22.10.1976 in Murrayville, Registration 1976-09-016595- BCA - B13356, GSU -2050569
    zu Theresia finde ich nichts.

  • Hallo

    Vielen Dank für die vielen Antworten!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Es ist sicher dass sie im Juni 1868 nach Amerika ausgewandert sind.

    Das konnte ich im Internet über die Familie Vogl finden.

    My Vogl Family


    Ginger Vogl Simek

    It all started with a typewritten copy of the entry of my great great grandfather's will, Adalbert Vogl. He had passed away shortly after coming to the US in June of 1868 with his wife, Theresia, and their seven children. Little did I realize it would lead to a meeting with a distant cousin in Munich, Germany several years later. The entry stated besides leaving his wife all of his worldly possessions, he was also leaving her "any property or proceeds of any sale of hops that I am entitled to receive from John Schuh in Germeinde Wiessen Pizisk Bodersam Kriez Laaz Bohemia". This had to be the location they came from! There was little success in finding this location until I went to Manitowoc County Court House in Wisconsin and made a copy of the original handwritten record. The location actually was "Germeinde Wiessen Bezirk Podersam Kriez Saaz Bohemia" which allowing for spelling errors was the town of Wiessen (Besno in Czech), district of Podersam (PodboZany in Czech), county of Saaz (Zatec in Czech). Saaz was quite a center for the growing and marketing of hops so this did fit.

    Now that I knew the correct location I contracted to have family research done in the Czech Republic on my Vogl family. The research was successful in tracing the family back to the early 1600s. It provided many details, including house numbers, godparents and witnesses. Adalbert was married in Wiessen to Theresia Hartmann in 1852 but had been born in Grosslippen (Lipno in Czech) as had his five brothers and four sisters. Prior to that the family had lived in Tauchowitz (Touchovice in Czech). Theresia Hartmann was his second wife; his first wife, Franziska Papsch, died in May 1848.

    Would there possibly be any Vogl family still living in that area? I did also have a picture given to me by one of Adalbert's great grandsons which said on the reverse side it was the family home in "Austria". Of course this area of Bohemia had been under the rule of the Austria until the formation of the new state of Czechoslovakia in 1918. The picture was not dated. From the family research that had been done, it should be house number 13 in Wiessen. Vogl names were looked for the the Czech phone books for that area without result. The majority of the German speaking population had been expelled from Czechoslovakia after WW Il; very possibly my Vogl family was among them. I sent a letter requesting information in Dec. 1995 directed to the town mayor of Wiessen/Besno along with a picture of the family home. Many months passed without a response. Finally a response came from the village office in Kryry in July 1996. The letter indicated that the history of Besno was not preserved; some residents felt the photo was from the village of Besno but they had no records concerning the expelled Germans.

    I had also sent a letter to the Sudetendeutsches Genealogisches Archiv in Regensburg, Germany to see if they had information on the Germans who had been forced to leave Czechoslovakia in 1945/46. The term "Sudeten-Germans" as I understand it, refers to the German speaking minority who lived in the crown territories of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia belonging to the Habsburg Monarchy. These Germans had settled basically along the outer rim area of these crown territories. Even a follow-up letter to the Archiv and a donation brought no reply. Bravely exploring the Internet one day, I found a US address and contact person for the genealogical archive in Regensburg. His response to my letter was very exciting. Each former Sudeten county has a research group headed by an individual. He sent me the name and address of two gentlemen; one who headed the research group for Saaz County and the other for Podersam County. I wrote to both and received helpful and encouraging replies. Each wanted more information as to birth dates, parents names for Adalbert and his wife, and birth dates for their children as well as any other facts. I received the name of Anton Vogl from Wiessen and whose father was from Grosslippen. His grandfather's name was Josef. Adalbert's oldest brother was named Josef! Anton Vogl now lived in Munich, Germany.

    Upon occasion, everything falls into place. In the spring my husband and I had signed up for an eight day September tour to Austria. I wrote to Anton Vogl in August and sent along a picture of the family home in "Austria". His quick reply included a picture of his birth-house in Wiessen-which was right next to Adalbert's house #13!!! Thanks to a good friend who speaks German and a translation service found on the Internet, letters were exchanged and we were invited to come to Munich if ever we were in the area. Thus one day of our eight day tour involved a train ride from Kitzbuhel, Austria up to Munich. We spent a wonderful day being treated to wurst, beer, cakes, coffee, and wine not to mention the real find of discovering living family members. Anton and a friend had written and compiled a book on Wiessen complete with pictures given to them by those who had lived there. A town plan was also included. Anton was very interested in keeping family records and showed us what he had faithfully kept on his family. The overwhelming majority of the population of Wiessen had been German. After WW II most of the townspeople of Wiessen were rounded up and forced to leave with basically nothing. They were sent to the Saxony area of Germany which was under Russian control. Anton and his family (parents and siblings) spent some time in different camps. Eventually, with the help of the Red Cross, they all met up again in Bavaria.

    Anton had been 22 years old when they were expelled. He was married in Munich to Henriette Bamberger in 1951 and they had one son, Harald. He also married and had one son. Continuing with "everything falling into place", Harald and family had made a trip to Wiessen approximately four years ago. His son very much enjoys photography as a hobby and so of course took many pictures. Among them was a picture of house #13! The town is mostly deserted with only migrant workers living there when needed. The buildings are owned by the government and generally not in a good state of repair. One or two rooms may be fixed up and rented out, but it would take a good deal of money to make an entire house or building habitable.

    The day ended all too soon. More had been added to my family history in those few hours than had been accomplished in several years worth of searching. Some notes follow on translation available via the Internet and a listing of current research group heads for the former Sudeten German counties.

    Es ist leider nur auf Englisch verfasst.

    Aber nocheinmal: Svenja :danke: , Georg :danke: , Liselotte :danke: , Peter :danke:

    Mfg Peter

    Dauersuche :computer:

    Tobisch, Schuh, Pulz, Wagner, Halbhuber, Orgelmeister, Hergl und Kral in Böhmen
    Hoferer,Riederer, Meier, Hofherr und Seidl in Bayern

    Viele Grüße Peter

  • es finden sich Vogl in Manitowac, aber kein Adalbert oder Theresia. Hier wird es sicherlich auch um Verwandte handeln.
    1880 Frank Vogl *1858 Bohemia Eltern Edward und Babara Vogl in Twi Rivers, manitowac, WI
    1905 Andrew und Margaretha Vogl beide geb 1855 in Bohemia

    1870 und 1880 auch keine mit deinen Namen, aber jede Menge Vogl.

    Wenn du diese haben willst schick mir mal deine mailadresse.


  • ich glaub ich habe sie, schreiben sich Vogel.
    Theresia Vogel *1829 Austria, 1880 in Two Rivers, Manitowac, WI, Adalbert ist nicht genannt.
    als Kinder mit Alter Henry 21, Victor 19, Camilie 17, Leo 14

    weiteres erst mal nicht zu finden. Aber es würde sich lohnen mal auf zu suchen un eventuell Verwandte zu finden und anzuschreiben.


  • Danke Peter :danke:

    Ob es sich bei Theresia Vogel *1829 Austria, 1880 in Two Rivers, Manitowac, WI, Adalbert ist nicht genannt.
    als Kinder mit Alter Henry 21, Victor 19, Camilie 17, Leo 14 um die gesuchten handelt, kann ich noch nich zu 100 Prozent sagen.

    Ich werde jedoch nach einer möglichen Verwandtschaft schauen.

    Mfg Peter

    Dauersuche :computer:

    Tobisch, Schuh, Pulz, Wagner, Halbhuber, Orgelmeister, Hergl und Kral in Böhmen
    Hoferer,Riederer, Meier, Hofherr und Seidl in Bayern

    Viele Grüße Peter

  • hallo wenn du noch brauchst ich habe einen ganzen stammbaum mit auswanderern mit namens vogl
    wenn ja dann kontaktiere mich bitte unter

  • Hallo an alle hier

    ich bin selber auf ahnenforschung und suche stammbäume von der familie vogl die in österreich gelebt haben bin bis Emil vogl geboren am 27 sept 1872 geburtsort unbekannt sterbedatum und sterbeort auch unbekannt er heiratete eine gewisse Caroline Homann geboren am 4 nov 1875 geburtsort, sterbeort und sterbedatum unbekannt
    kann mir da jemand weiterhelfen ?