Im Vertretung-What does it mean?

  • I found this expression in the baptism of my great-grand-mother here in Brazil (Lutheran Church).

    Vor und Zuname der Tautzeugen-Ulrich Ulrichsen in Vertretung Ernst Böse

    Could a Tautzeugen be in Germany and be substituted in the ceremony by another person? I say that because some of the persons (Tautzeugen)seem never have been in Brazil.

    Thank you

  • Hallo,
    I think you are quite right in assuming that one Taufzeuge (not being able to participate in the ceremony personally) was substituted by another person.

  • Hallo,

    I totally agree with J. Steffen.

    In some places, the function of Taufzeugen was not only to verify the birth event, but included a lasting relationship and resposibility, e. g. to provide good education if the actual parents were unable to. To choose a certain one might have been a matter of his social and financial status, but just as well to pay respect to someone, or to strengthen family ties.

    I found an dessen Stell, für ihn and similair remarks for substited witnesses at several periods, churches and locations in European church books and civil registers.

  • Thank you very much! Now a problem is solved.In the baptisms of many children in Brazil there were names of persons that weren´t in the German passenger lists. The children received the names of the Taufzeugen as a tribute to those who remained in German.

    Another question-did the first-born boy receive his grandfather's name?Was there a pattern to choose the name of the chidren?

  • Hello!

    Most boys received the name of their father or grandfather or,in some cases also one name of the father, the second of the grandfather and another name.
