Scheffler, Jankowski in Honigfelde W Prussia now Trzciano Poland

  • Hello, I am looking for information regarding the Christian Scheffler or Joseph Jankowski family living in Honigfelde, West Prussia (now Trzciano Poland). The Scheffler name is mentioned as "Major Scheffler" in 1808 and Christian Schefler is shown as Major in the 1772/73 Stuhm portion of the West Prussia Land Register. I think Christian had sons Christian, Friderich and Wilhelm. I am interested in Christian's spouse and children and any other Scheffler records from the early 1830'ss and before. Christian was Lutheren Jankowski was Catholic (I think). I have checked the Dakau Luthern Church records at the LDS through approximately the 1830's where I fortunate enough to find some of the more recent records. The Gross Rohdau records at the LDS have Scheffler's listed in the early 1800's but the records are incomplete.

  • There are 59 persons named Scheffler at, but nobody from Honigfelde.

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    A new update will be coming soon.


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Willi Beutler () aus folgendem Grund: Additional information