Translation of a paragraph from the von der Osten Sammlung, Greifswald Archiv

  • Hello,

    I am trying to make an accurate translation of Albrecht Elzow's history of Baron Michael Albrecht von Schwan from the von der Osten collection in Greifswald. I get to a section in the middle that doesn't make any sense. Since it was handwritten over 300 years ago, it was difficult to get this much. I hope someone can help to finish my translation. I have the original script available upon request.

    6. Michel Albrecht hat über aus wohl studiert gehabt, und sich in allerhand Sprachen fleißig geübt, auch durch viele Reisen, durch mancherlei Länder sehr qualifiziert gemacht, also das er den vielen unterschiedlichen Fürstlichen Personen, sehr beliebt worden, insebesonderheit den Ihrem Fürstlichen Durchlaucht Herren Christian Ludewigen Herzog von Mecklenburg, welcher ihm auf allgemeine Reichstage, nacher Regensburg, allwo er sich über 16 Jahr, auf Befehl seines gnädigsten Fürsten aufgehalten und den (s.227) Reichstage beigewohnt, ist auch in wärender Zeit öfters nach Wien an den kaiserlichen Hof, als Ambassadeur verschicket worden, woselbst er sich dergestalt bezeiget, daß er von Ihrer kaiserlichen Majestät aus eigenem gnädigsten Gefallen in den Freiherren Stand erhoben worden. Vorhin ist er am königlichen Schwedischen Hofe, bei der Königin Christina 4 Jahr Hofjuncker gewesen, wo selbst er 1651, dem Ritter Kampfe, zu Fuß, welcher der Königin zu Ehren, zu Stockholm gehalten worden, mit beigewohnt. Ist 1676 zu Regensburg unverheiratet gestorben, und seinen eigenen (s.228) Begehren nach, im Stift Niedermünster begraben worden.

    #6. Michel Albrecht studied hard, trained in a lot of languages, and in many journeys through a lot of countries got very qualified, so he could become favored by many different royal persons, especially his royal illustrious Christian Ludwig, Duke of Mecklenburg, who (sent) him to the general Parliament, later Regensburg, where he was more than 16 years, on order of his most gracious prince and attended (227) the Imperial Parliament, had also been in this times in Vienna to the Emperors Court, as an Ambassador, where he from his Imperial Majesty (Leopold) raised him to baronial rank. Earlier he had been at the Royal Swedish Court, for 4 years a court noble with Queen Christina, where in 1651 …………by feet, by honour to the Queen...................................... He died in 1676 in Regensburg, unmarried, and by his (228) own wish was buried in the Niedermünster (Church in Regensburg).

    Thanks for any assistance,

    Mark Swanson

  • where in 1651 he attended the knight's tournament by feet, which was held in Stockholm in honour of the queen.

    This is a rough translation but I think the sense is clearer now. Perhaps there are other sources which confirm that a knight's tourney took place in Stockholm 1651 and that there were disciplines in that tournament that were "by feet". From the context I don't think "Ritter Kampf" has anything to do with an actual battle or a real fight - just an arranged tourney.

  • Maybe you are correct that it is just a tournament, but I read the history of Queen Christina, and in those years there seemed to be a struggle between the Protestant nobles of Sweden and the Queen's foreign embassaries when Christina was making her decision to convert to Catholicism. Since the passage and Elzow's writing in general would certainly not meet Wikipedia standards due to its vagueness, I thought maybe there was implication in this passage to something more complicated.

    Any other discussion and thoughts are appreciated.

    Mark Swanson

  • Hello Mark,

    as you are looking for an accurate translation have a look at my attempt:

    # 6.
    Michel Albrecht had studied extremely hard, and trained in a lot of languages, as well in many journeys through a lot of countries got very qualified, so he became favored by many different baronial persons, especially by his baronial highness Christian Ludwig, Duke of Mecklenburg, who sent him to the caususses of the Reichstag (= diet), to Regensburg, where he was more than 16 years, on order of his most gracious baron and attended (227) the caususses, had also been sent in this times to Vienna to the Emperors Court, as an Ambassador, where he appealed to his Imperial Majesty [Leopold] so that he raised him by his own gracious gusto to baronial rank. Furthermore he had been at the Royal Swedish Court, for 4 years a donzel/squire with Queen Christina, where he had joined by feet in 1651 the knights tourament held in honour to the Queen in Stockholm. He died in 1676 in Regensburg, unmarried, and by his (228) own wish was buried in the Niedermünster (Church in Regensburg).

    Kind regards

  • Thanks so much. I will go with yours instead of my own thoughts on what the history might have implied. "When in doubt, the simple explanation is usually the best."

    Best wishes,
