Looking for relatives to Johanna Ohm Gläser born August 15, 1872 in Germany

  • My grandmother, Johanna Christina, Fredrika (Magdalene?) Ohm Gläser, left together with her fiancé (Georg Schade from Altona, born January 17, 1867) Germany in the early 1890s. They moved to Denmark and the only thing I found there is that grandmother worked as a maid in Copenhagen a month before the first child, Daisy, was born.
    I am looking for my grandmother's family in Germany. All I know is that their last name was Ohm and Gläser (spelling?). ?(

  • Hi there :)

    I just found your tree with her in your ancestry.
    Did you ever try to get her birth certificate? Her parents names are on there.
    I can help you to write to the church archive if you let me know if your ancestors
    were catholics or protestants.
    Kind regards

    [font='Chicago, Impact, Compacta, sans-serif'][size=14]In mir schlummert ein Genie, aber das Biest wird nicht wach!

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von LadyCapybara ()

  • Hi,

    No we have no birth cetrificate. My mother thought that grandmother was catholic but we can not be sure of that. My grandparents moved from Denmark to Sweden and in the Swedish church records it says that my grandmother (and grandfather) was Prussian minion.
    Kind regards

  • Hello again,

    if your grandmother was catholic, you will have to write an email to the Diozoesenarchiv Hamburg and ask for your grandmothers birth record.
    If you've got that record, you can go back further from there.
    This is the email address:


    You can send the following text to the Archive:

    Subject: Anfrage bezuegl. Kirchenbuchauskunft/Ahnenforschung

    Sehr geehrter Herr Colberg,

    ich schreibe Ihnen aus (insert your country of residence here).
    Ich erforsche seit laengerem meinen Stammbaum und benoetige nun den Geburtseintrag
    meiner Grossmutter. Ihr Name war Johanna Fredrika Kristina Gläser, geb. am 15. August 1872 in Hamburg/Harburg.
    Da ich im Ausland lebe kann ich leider nicht persoenlich vorbeikommen und nach dem Eintrag suchen.
    Daher waere ich Ihnen sehr dankbar wenn sie fuer mich den Eintrag heraussuchen koennten und wenn moeglich
    eine Kopie anfertigen und mir diese schicken wuerden?
    Meine Adresse lautet:
    (Insert your Adress here)
    Anfallende Kosten uebernehme ich natuerlich.
    Mit freundlichen Gruessen
    (your signature)

    You admit in this letter that you will pay the costs for the research of the Archive.
    My experience is that Archives usually charge between 10-30 Euro per hour.
    But because you could tell them the correct birthdate and place, they shouldn't take too long to look it up.
    The only thing that might happen is that they tell you there is no entry and you might have to pay without any results.
    Then you will have to do the same procedure again with the protestant Archive.
    But anyway, you will get the needed information eventually :)
    If you need any more help let me know

    Kind regards

    [font='Chicago, Impact, Compacta, sans-serif'][size=14]In mir schlummert ein Genie, aber das Biest wird nicht wach!

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von LadyCapybara ()