Check a Latin translation to German and English?

  • Hello again,

    Can someone take a look at my translation to German and English of a short line of Latin?

    Latin text:

    "item Swanowo a nomine proprio: Swan enim dicitur id quod vocatus;"

    German translation:

    "ebenso Swan/Schwaan auf Grund des Eigennamens: Swan, denn es wird gesagt, das ist was er genannt wurde;"

    English translation:

    "likewise the place of Swan due to the proper name: Swan, for it is said that is what he was called;"

    The phrase is from Wigger, Friedrich: Des Bischofs Boguphal von Posen Nachrichten über Meklenburg - 1249, in Mecklenburg Jahrbücher, Schwerin, 1862; S.128.



  • Hello Chris,

    ebenso Swanowo (Swanow? Swanowus?) wegen des merkwürdigen Namens: angeblich Swan wie gerufen.

    in the same way Swanow (?) becuase of the strange name: reportedly Swan because given that way.

    Kind regards

  • Hi Detlef,

    We went out of town, and I wasn't able to reply until now. The translation of the Latin "nomine proprio" is very interesting. Can you tell me what source gives "merkwürdigen" for "proprio", as most give something in English fairly close to "his own" or "his proper". I have now consulted several sources but I haven't received the same answer twice, so it still remains unsettled in my mind. Unfortunately, I don't know enough Latin or German to be the judge of which is more accurate.

    Best wishes,
