Help with German records in Sachsen Anhalt

  • Good evening everybody,

    I am currently helping my German wife with her family history but I must confess being unfamiliar with what's available and where to find records. Most of her family is from Sachsen-Anhalt. I have had access to church records with the Mormons but I actually don't know if there anything like official population records kept by the state/city/province (similar to the Franco-Belgian system after the French Revolution)? I am particularly interested in the following places:

    Droyssig (Droyßig)

    I currently have found ancestors up to the middle of the 19th century. I can give more details about her ancestors if anybody is familiar/willing to help.

    Many thanks in advance from a slightly puzzled genealogist stepping for the first time in German genealogy territory

  • Hallo Bernhard,

    mir ist nicht bekannt, dass es für den Zeitraum um 1850 in der Orten Droyßig und Osterfeld Personenstandsregister gibt. Mit einer genauen Suchanfrage an die entsprechenden Pfarrämter wirst Du mehr Erfolg haben. Oder Du schreibst die Namen Deiner Spitzenahnen hier im Forum.
    Hier noch die Anschriften der Pfarrämter:

    Ev. Pfarramt Droyßig
    Kirchplatz 8
    06722 Droyßig

    Für Osterfeld:

    Ev. Pfarramt Schkölen
    07619 Schkölen

    Ev. Pfarramt Groitzsch
    Wiesengasse 3
    04539 Groitzsch

    Gruß Messlatte

  • Hi Bernard

    Microfilms from the Droyßig and Schkölen church records are "available" at
    "Archiv der Evangelischen Kirche der Kirchenprovinz Sachsen"
    Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße 47
    D 39108 Magdeburf
    Tel. +49 391 506 659 90

    "Available" means: visiting the archive and looking thru the films yourself (or someone doing it for you)!
    If you want more info about this archive, please contact me via PN here in the forum.

    Freundliche Grüße

    Berlin und Umgebung: Mohr, Hartung, Zienicke, Krusnick, Grünack, Linto (vor 1750); Magdeburger Börde (rund um Egeln, etwa 1600 - 1800)
    Gera: Dix (vor 1740); Wunstorf: Brandes, Steinmann (vor 1800), Hildesheim: Michael (vor 1800); Gönningen (und Umgebung, vor 1650)

  • Dear Messlatte,

    Many thanks for your answer. Here is the ancestor I have for Droyssig:

    Alwine Scholle, born in Droyssig 8 June 1862. She married a Friedrich Otto Grimm but I don't know the date or where.

    I know Alwine is the daughter of Friedrich Scholle and Wilhelmine Reinhardt but I have been unable to find anything about these two people. I would be very pleased if anybody could help me find more about Friedrich and Wilhelmine Scholle.
