Georg Jacob Still

  • Morning to all,

    Looking information for Georg Jacob Still and his wife Friederika Wilhelmina Sass, married in Stralsund around 1842. He was a civil engineer and a music aficionado. Also, would like to find Agnes Still's birth record, born in Stralsund in 1843. Found information about Georg in Stralsund's, Sundine entertainment guide, but the gothic font makes it almost impossible to translate into english. Can I send the pages to someone privately; the file size is too big for posting.

    Thank you so much.

  • Erledigt. Die Heirat, die Geburten sämtlicher Kinder und die der Ehepartner wurden herausgesucht und per E-Mail übermittelt.

    Falls andere Forscher Bedarf an den Daten haben, bitte ich um eine kurze PN. Danke!

    Viele Grüße,