Kolomak Valentin

  • Ich suche information von Valentin Kolomak beruf sclosser. Er wohnte in Kueschmalz kreis Grottkau 1941. Geboren in Krotoschin 13.2.1883.

    I'm looking for information regarding Valentin Kolomak. Born in Krotoschin 13.2.1883. He lived in Kueschmalz kreis Grottkau 1941.

  • Sorry for this late answer.
    Valentin Kolomak was born in Krotoschin 13.2.1883.
    His parents Franz (Franciscus) Kolomak wife Anastasia Dabkiewicz
    Looking for marriage of Valentin and where he died and other information regarding Valentins whereabouts.
    Even information regarding Valentins parents such as birth place and date (they should have been born around 1843 and 1840.

    Thanks in advance

    Hans-Dieter Grahl