In welchem Archiv finden Sie ein solches Dokument?

  • In welchem Archiv finden Sie ein solches Dokument? Dies ist ein Dokument
    eines Sohnes, und ich brauche dasselbe für seinen Vater.

    In which archive can you find such a document? This is a son's document and I
    need the same exhibited for his father.


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von JackPara () aus folgendem Grund: .

  • Hi,

    if I take ypur question literally, there will be no archive that keeps invalid passports because they were held by the person it was exhibited for. The exhibiting authority would keep records of exhibtion. Do you mean such a record?
    What purpose do you have in mind?
    Fee-based keeps birth(baptism) record databases for the period 1800 -1874 for Gonzken parish where Dzingellen ( Duingellen should be a mistake) was situated.



  • Entschuldigung, ich benutze einen Google-Übersetzer, um in diesem Forum zu kommunizieren, deshalb gibt es solche Situationen.

    Ich denke, dass die Hochzeitsurkunde von 1861-1866 in Oletzko die beste wäre. Aber es sollte doch Dokumente aus dem Militärdienst geben. Aber ich weiß nicht, wo ich sie suchen soll.

  • Hello Jack,
    your "Heimatschein" is a civil document, in a way an alternative passport, validity 5 years. This paper makes shure that the owner can live and work in another country without loosing his nationality at home. Johann Steinwald needed this document, because his occupation was "Ziegler", that means he was a temporary migrant worker. I doubt whether there is existing such a document for his father.
    Here you can see which church-books of Oletzko are available in the states archive of Lyck/Poland.…e_Kreis_Treuburg_(Oletzko)
    Gruß - Detlef

  • Vielen Dank für Ihre Informationen über diesen Pass ist sehr interessant, aber wenn es um Geburtsurkunden geht, können sie mir in diesem Fall nicht helfen. Ich weiß, dass Martin nicht geboren wurde, nicht in Olecko und nicht in diesem Bereich als Siedler hierher gekommen Die Situation von jedem Dokument aus seinem Aufenthalt in Olecko kann mir seinen Geburtsort zeigen

  • Herr v. Roy teilt hierzu mit :

    Dem „Heimathschein“ von 1902 zufolge wurde der Ziegler (hier könnte sowohl ein Ziegeleibesitzer als auch ein Ziegeleiarbeiter gemeint sein)
    Johann Steinwald am 25. Aug. 1 8 4 2 in Dziengellen / Ostpreußen geboren. Hier kämen 2 Dörfer namens „Dziengellen“ in Betracht,
    die heute zum p o l n i s c h e n Teil Ostpreußens gehören:

    1. Das Dorf „Dziengellen“ (1938: Dingen) im Kreis Oletzko (1938: Treuburg). Dziengellen (= etwa 10 km südlich von Oletzko gelegen)
    gehörte zur Pfarrkirche in G o n s k e n (1938: Herzogskirchen).

    2. Das Dorf „Dziengellen“ (1938: Widmannsdorf) im Kreis Goldap. Dziengiellen (= etwa 10 km südöstlich von Goldap gelegen )
    gehörte zur Pfarrkirche in G u r n e n .

    Man müßte eine Kopie des „Heimathscheins“dem polnischen Staatsarchiv in Allenstein
    (= )
    vorlegen und fragen, ob sich die E l t e r n des Johann Steinwald anhand der Taufbücher von 1 8 4 2 ermitteln lassen. Viel Erfolg!


  • Hello Jack,
    unfortunately I didn't identyfy the birthplace which I deciphered as Duiengellen. Obviously Billet is right: meant is Dzingellen. Johann Steinwald lived/worked in 1902 in Wilna (today Vilnius, capital of Lithuania).

    Dzingellen was a rural commune in the bailwick of Gurnen in the county of Goldap.

    The available Lutheran churchbooks of Dzingellen/Gurnen are listed here:…est%C3%A4nde_Kreis_Goldap. Maybe you prefer the LDS database (Mormons) or the EZA Berlin:
    Good luck!

    Kind regards

  • Thank you all for help in this matter. I am trying to simplify it somehow. My great-grandfather is Matthis STEINWALD (1864), a documentary which I presented to Johann Steinwald who was the elder brother of my great-grandfather. Both of them and the rest of their siblings were born in the village of Dzingellen, Kreis Oletzko / Ostpreußen, belonged to the parish in Gonsken. I have their birth certificates. I am looking for a document that will show me the origin of their parents, Martin Steinwald and his wife, Sofi Lipinska. The whole family went to Vilnius in (around) 1880. From that moment, I know their entire stories.
    I want to know where their father Martin and his wife come from.
    They all needed documents like Johann to go to Vilnius.

  • village of I n g l l e n

    Hello Jack,
    now I am a litte bit confused. The "Heimatbrief" and the birth certificate are about "Dzingellen". Dzingellen was germanized in 1938 "Dingeln". Have you ever researched the Gurnen churchbooks? See my note from today 11:09 h.
    Kind regards

  • Detlef05

    Natürlich habe ich beim Schreiben des Namens Dzingellen einen Fehler gemacht, den ich bereits korrigiert habe. <Dorf von I n g l l e n>
    Warum schlagen Sie vor, in Gurnen nach Kirchenbüchern zu suchen?
    Sie sind alle in Dzingellen geboren, ich habe Dokumente.

  • Hallo, kann jemand meine Suche leiten? Der Bruder meines Urgroßvaters hatte 1902 in Ostpreußen einen Militärdienst. Ich möchte ein militärisches Dokument finden, ich hoffe, dass der Geburtsort ihres Vaters dort sein wird. Gibt es eine Chance, das wegzubekommen?

    Hello Jack,
    days after starting the thread you presented the above secondary
    source, the "OFB" Marggrabowa (Treuburg). This is what this key-info
    In the past during Martin St. life there
    was an incidently change of the surname from Steinwart to Steinwald.
    steinwart is an occupation name and Steinwald is a location name.
    Nowadays both names are on the same level less comman in Germany. There
    is a certain concentration in Northwest, not strong enough for
    deductions. : input the name and press enter
    St. was not married. Together with Sophia Lipinski he had two children
    born in Dzingellen. From the "Heimatbrief" we know, that the son Johann
    ST. was a migrant brickmaker who went to Wilna/Vilnius/Lithuania where
    his mother Sophia died in 1919.
    Martin St. came back to
    Dzingellen allready in the 1860s. Together with Maria Tichel born in
    Szypliszki/Poland he had another two illigitimate children, the first
    born in Dzingellen and the second in Schedlisken/Lyck/Poland.


    Warum schlagen Sie vor, in Gurnen nach Kirchenbüchern zu suchen?

    wonder why all those data from Dzingellen are in the OFB of Marggrabowa
    (was it why he was unwedded and his potential brother Mathis born 1835
    lived together with his legitimate family in Rosochatzken/Marggrabowa?).
    Dzingellen is part of the parish of Gurnen.…est%C3%A4nde_Kreis_Goldap.
    Scroll down to Gurnen and take in mind the footnote d.).
    St. was probably born between 1832 and 1842, 30 to 20 years before
    Johannes St. was born. From my point of view you have only tiny chances
    to get a step forward:
    1.) by churchbook of Gurnen
    2.) "Heimatbrief" if Martin St. was also a migrant worker:
    3.) by special East Prussia genealogy forum:

    4.) by incident
    Kind regards

  • Thank you very much for all this work and contribution to this post. I think that we still have a small misunderstanding with the location of these two places, and one place where my ancestors of Martin's children were born are Dzingellen near Ełk, the second Dzingellen are near Gołdap and belong to the parish in Gurnen. I do not think that my ancestors had any connection with Gurnen because it is very far from Olecko and Dzingellen in which they were born in the Gonsken parish. I'm sorry but maybe I do not understand something, Dzingellen from the Gonsken parish lie only 3 km from Olecko where Marcin's brother and his family lived. Do not you think that makes sense?
    Kind regards.