Help with a translation from both German and Latin

  • Can anyone help with this entry from the Mecklenburgisches Urkundenbuch Band 22, Seite 385? I tried Google Translate but several of the words are unknown by them.

    Thank you, Christiana Swan

    1394. Mai 15. (Rostock.) 12656.
    Die Provisoren der Marieinkirche zu Rostock verkaufen dem Stadt­sekretär Konrad Römer ein Haus.

    Dominus Johannes [B]yl1, consul, et Hinricus Grevesmolen, provisores ecclesie sancte Marie virginis in Rostock, nomine dicte ecclesie, cum consilio et consensu dominorum consulum in Rostok et totius parochie sancte Marie, necnon cum consensu Hermanni Lonebusch et Othonis de Zywan, structu[r]ariorum [nomine]2 ecclesie Marie virginis antedicte, propter necessitatem et utilitatem ipsius ecclesie structure vendiderunt magistro Conrado Romer, prothonotario dominorum consulum in Rostok, domum angularem circa cimiterium beate Marie virginis, ex opposito domus monete civitatis sitam, cum suis attinenciis, sicut ecclesie beate Marie fuerat data per Garwinum Schutten etc. 1394 feria sexta post Jubilate.

    Gedr. im Rost. Etwas 1742, S. 161f, nach einer Pergamentschrift. - 1Vorlage druckt Vyl. - 2Vorlage: nove.
    1394 May 15 (Rostock) 12656.
    The Provisors of the Marieinkirche in Rostock sell the city secretary Konrad Römer a house.

    Sir Johann Byl1, consul and Heinrich Grevesmolen, officials of the Holy Virgin in Rostock, the name of the church, with the advice and consent of the Consuls of the Rostok and the whole parish of St. Mary, and with the consent of Herman Lonebusch and Otto von Schwan, structurariorum [name]2 church of the virgin Mary aforesaid, because of the need and usefulness of the church structure and sold captain Conrad Romer, prothonotario lord counsel in Rostok, to a corner near the cemetery of the virgin Mary, opposite the house warn city located with its appurtenances like the church of St. Mary had Garwin given by Schutten etc. 1394 Friday after Jubilate.

    Printed in Rostock Something 1742, p. 161f, after a parchment inscription. - 1 template prints Vyl. - 2 template: nove.