Slevigste Landvaerns Regiment

  • I need help to understand an entry for my ancestor Jacob Gulland in Hirsh's Danske od Norske Officerer.
    A Danish friend sent it to me and I have not the photo .

    "Brand Diretor ?? -Sondre i slevigste Landvaerns Rgmt 11-11-1803 Pm ? 10-4-1807 forsat til Holsten annekteret Ar? Batt K. Kyed 10-2-1814-
    v.Kaptain og Korup Chef 5/7 5 Aar -Afsked med 184 Rds Pension 1/2/1816"

    Thank you so much for any help.

  • Die Beantwortung ist sehr schwierig, da es sich um zum Teil um fehlerbehaftete Textfragmente handelt. So handelt es sich beispielsweise beim Ausdruck "Slevigste Landvaerns Regiment" um das "Slesvigske Landværns Regiment".

    Ich beginne einmal zu entwirren:
    Die Person diente am/ab 11.11.1803 als "Brand Diretor ?? - Sondre" (vermutlich Dienstgrad- oder Funktionsbezeichnung) im Schleswigschen Landwehr Regiment (Slesvigske Landærns Regiment).
    Diese Tätigkeit setzte er am/ab 10.04.1807 in Holstein fort.

    Es folgt eine völlig unklare Textpassage. Anschließend:

    Afsked med ... = Abschied am 1.2.1816 mit 184 Rds (Währungsbezeichnung)

    Mehr kann ich momentan leider nicht sagen. Vielleicht prüfst Du bitte noch einmal genau den Text.

    mit herzlichen Grüßen aus dem Landesteil Südschleswig

    med venlig hilsen fra Sydslesvig

    Egon Ossowski

    Forschungsgebiete: Westpreußen (Czersk, Bruß) [FN Ossowski], Köln, Leipzig [FN Schlegel] und Kreis Schleswig-Flensburg [FN Nissen]


  • Hello Ligia,

    I cannot help with the translation of the text because it is broken, a Egon aleady mentioned.

    But in case you do not know:
    Jacobs baptism with remark of his death in 1827 in Rendsburg is to be found in the churchbooks of Svenstrup, Als Nørre, Sønderborg Amt 1682-1785, nr. 26 in 1749 (opslag 104). I found it indexed on where it is transcribed as followed:

    Ao. 1749 Dom. 2 Adv. blev Christen Gullands Søn Jakob af Svenstrup
    døbt. Susc.: Jacob Wrang. Faddere: Lars Christesen, Christen Hansen,
    Hans Moβe. Han † Ao. 1827 som Capit. Og Branddirect. Gulland i

    But attention: I read Dom. I. Adv. 1749 in the online churchbook.

  • Hi Ligia,

    a "Brand Director" is not a military rank or function, but a civil one in the former danish state including Schleswig and Holstein. So he was, in addition to his military career an official or public-servant, paid by the state. As a Brand Director he was responsible for the fire insurance system at his time in an specific region "Amt", probably, where his home address was.

    For the region of the Landschaft Süderdithmarschen at the west coast of Holstein, I studied the history of these "Brand Directors". After the function was builded in 1740/41 they were responsible for installing the "Generale Brandkasse" all over the country, which followed the private "Gilden", which where formed by the inhabitants of the most bigger towns and villages in the middle age. But by Kings Law these old "Gilden" where stopped in Denmark because of too much misbehaving, and the Royal "Generale Brandkasse" was founded. The Brand Directors had to organzise these process. They wrote fire insurance registers of all insuranced houses in there region, took in the insurance fees, made "fire law" in the region, which building was allowed and which was not, tried to reduce straw roofs and so on. In addition to that all they had to make up rounds every year with the local "Brandaufseher", which where elected from the farmers, in every village. Also they had to be the judge in case of fire. The function existed in Schleswig and Holstein till the end of the Danish regime in 1866.

    Gruß Brokstedt

    Suche alles zu FN Giesenhagen (S-H, M-V, BRB), FN Kohl (S-H und Weickelsdorf/Sachsen) sowie FN Schubert (Raum Chemnitz)

    Jede Form von Info-Austausch Dithmarschen (allgemein) interessiert.


    Tradition ist nicht das Halten der Asche, sondern das Weitergeben der Flamme (Thomas Morus)

  • Hi Ligia,

    here is my transcription:

    Gulland, Gullann – Henrich Lorenz
    Sclt og Tøjhus Lt. i Glückstadt 1/7 1803 – k Prmlt 21/1 1813 (A.. 23/7 1812)
    og anset ved Artl. Komp i Rendsborg – Tøjhusforvalter i Rendsborg
    17/11 1822 – k Overkrigskommissær med – Tilladelse til at bær Uni-
    form 26/1 1825 – Afsked 28/2 1840 og anset som Postmester i Lütjenburg

    *erholdt 20/4 1810 Tilladelse til at ægte Fredericke Francisca Röttger, datter
    af afdøde Justitsraad (Rg N 167/1810)

    (Gulland, Gullann)
    Brand. Direktør – Sclt i sleswigske Landværns Rgmt 11/11 1803 –
    Prmlt 10/4 1807 - forsat til holsten annekterende Artl. Batl.– k Kpt.
    10/2 1814 – v[ar] Kapt. og Komp Chef 5/7 5 Aar – Afsked med 184 Rds Pension
    1/2 1816

    Sclt - Secondløjtnant
    Tøjhus Lt. - Tøjhus Løjtnant (armory lieutenant)
    Prmlt - Premierløjtnant
    k - kongelig (royal)

    Artl Komp - Artilleri Kompagni
    overkrigskommissær - title for former military, with permission to wear uniform
    * permission to marry Fredericke
    Francisca Röttger, daughter of deceased Judicial Councillor (registry number of permission)

    Artl. Batl - transferred to Holstein occupying Artilleri Battaljon
    Kpt. /Kapt. - Kaptajn - was Captain and Company Chef
    Rds - Rigsdaler, currency

    I do not understand 5/7 5 Aar = 5/7 5 years ???

  • Hi Ligia,

    thanks for the compliments - all I can say, it makes fun to me :D

    After Ursula brought some light (and sense) to the military data, maybe the following conclusion of mine is helpful too. Excuse me, if you know all about this following big picture, but I think, it gives a clear idea, which kind of military service your Gullann-ancestor had to do.

    The mentioned "Landvaerns Regiment", in which he started his military career, makes it sure for me, that he was not a full-time-soldier, but as I mentioned he was a public servant as "Branddirector" in first place.

    In Napoleon times Denmark tried to defense its neutral status as long as possible. But after the British campain against the fleet in Copenhagen in 1801 (due to their economic goal to absolutely rule the worlds economy, in which Denmark was on second place world wide after the American Inpendence Wars), the Danish King had to think about strengthening his defense power. So he decided to build up "Landwehr"-Units from the local citizens all over the country after the British declared war again against Napoleon in 1803 and Napoleon entered Lower saxony region, which was part of the British interest area (personal union of the British and the Hannover throne). So Napoleons troops now stood at the River Elbe, which was Holsteins (and Denmarks) southern border. It's the first time for roughly a hundred years, that a greater number of civilians in Schleswig and Holstein had to do military part-time-service.

    In my opinion your ancestor was recruted as an officer for one of these Civilian Regiments, which only had to do some military actions and trainings on sundays and allabout some weeks a year. After the second British attack on Kopenhagen in 1807 with Thousands of dead citizens in Kopenhagen, this "Landwehr" was recreated after it was "reinstalled" in 1804. Denmark still tried to stand neutral between the continental superpower France and the now undisputed naval world power Britain. Due to the second British attack in 1807 (the British tried to get in reach of the rest of the Danish fleet before Napoleon could get it), the Danish King at last made the company with Napoleon. Now the Landwehr-units had to save the border from any kind of attack from Britain on one hand, but on the other hand they had to take part in Napoleons system of the continental barrier. So the Landwehr-Units had to interrupt the hidden and day-by-day growing smuggle from British and Danish (including Schleswig and Holsteiner). That part of duty was not easy, because especially a lot of Holstein citizens had no interest in protect Napoleons politics that made a lot of damage to their economy. A lot of them pariticipated in the smuggle at least until 1810. But on the other hand due to that, after Napoleons defeat in 1812/1813, the allied troups (Prussia, Austria, Russia and the British) occupied Schleswig and Holstein as part of the opponent Denmark in December 1813 and all the year through in 1814. But because of the huge amount of allied troops the Danish King had to make an very early and unfortunate peace. After the "Kiel peace" in Jan 1814 the Danish King was able to rule again in Schleswig and Holstein after only some war weeks. Now the was allied to the allied nations and fought with them against Napoleon troops, which still stood in Hamburg for example. So in short time new military units where formed to a) took a line around Hamburg and b) be part of the allied army, which tried to beat Napoleon in France.

    Having all this in mind, it makes sense to me, that Gullann was transferred in the mentioned Holstein Regiment in Feb 1814, just after restructuring the Danish troops because of the January-peace in Kiel. The former Landwehr-Units made no sense any more. Most likely as an artillery unit, it was settled in Holstein near Hamburg to support the besieging allied troops at least till the French went off in early 1815.

    After the finally won battle of Waterloo and Napoleons banning to St. Helena and the restructuring of Europe in Vienna congress, at last most of the European countries could cut down their very expensive troop number. So it makes sense to me too, that the part-time soldier Gullan was one the first, who got off military service in Feb 1816 (with a pension of 184 Reichsthaler, because he served as an officer).

    Gruß Brokstedt

    Suche alles zu FN Giesenhagen (S-H, M-V, BRB), FN Kohl (S-H und Weickelsdorf/Sachsen) sowie FN Schubert (Raum Chemnitz)

    Jede Form von Info-Austausch Dithmarschen (allgemein) interessiert.


    Tradition ist nicht das Halten der Asche, sondern das Weitergeben der Flamme (Thomas Morus)

  • Thank you,Ursula,for your translation.Now it is easier to understand the text.

    Thank you ,once more,Brokstedt,for your explanation.
    I found Jacob Gullann in 1787 Census in Ribe,Denmark.He is a sergeant of the Riberske Regiment. I don't what happened in the years between 1787
    and 1803.When he retired he was 68 years old.

    The facts about Denmark and the napoleonic wars were quite new to me.I began to get interested in the matter when I knew that Heinrich Lorenz
    Gullann fought in Glückstadt siege in 1814. In fact,he signed the capitulation of the fortress (danish side).I read what is said about him in
    Meddelelser fra Krigsarkiverne.I had the opportunity to know something about his personality ,not only a name.The text is very interesting and shows
    the lieutnant Gullann making the assembly of a"Morter" with 100 pounds of gunpowder and doing some "lucky" shots that killed many swedish soldiers.
    He was in on the ramparts for ten days ,when a messenger came to him and said that his house was burning. He answered simply :"Min post er here"
    and continued doing his work in silence (page 342-vol 8)
    Thanks for your help
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