Contacting other members

  • Sometimes you might want to contact another member more personally:

    • you may have information, which is not for publishing,
    • you may have a private question
    • or may wish to ask someone for help

    If you click on the name of a forum member you will be directed to their profile.
    On the right-hand side you will see some options.
    Depending on what this member has allowed, you can choose to send the member a PM or an e-mail.
    Click on your choice and a text window will open, where you can type your message.
    The field for recipient is filled automatically for you; you must fill in the Subject field.

    Click on the Submit button, and your message will be sent.

    1. Sending a Personal Message (PM) /In German: Persönliche Nachricht (PN):

    In your private letter box (Link: Private Messages, at the top of every page) you can see all messages you have sent (outbox) or received (inbox).

    This space is limited, so please remember to clear out your inbox and outbox regularly, so that others can still reach you.
    How do you delete messages ? Quite simple: On the left hand side of the list of messages, there is a box. Mark (i.e. Click on the box next to) any message(s) you wish to delete.
    A pull-down menu will appear below the list saying 'x messages selected' Here you can choose to download, delete or unselect these messages.
    Choosing 'download' means you can save messages with important information on your own computer.

    2. Sending an e-mail:

    Many members do not publish their e-mail addresses on the forum to avoid spam and junk mail.
    There are many search engines (spam-bots) that trawl the internet, looking for e-mail addresses. These are then used for sending spam and junk-mail, so it is better not to publish your e-mail address here.

    We can't avoid having spambots here, but we can offer the facility to send the e-mail with showing the e-mail address openly.

    N.B. : For the same reason, we strongly advise against including your own e-mail addresses, or those of third-parties in any replies on this forum.
    If you wish to publish the address of any official organisations, then please use one of the usual methods, to make it not harder for spambot:
    i.e. instead of wolfgang@, use wolfgang --at-- archives_r_us. de or wolfgang [AT] archives_r_us. de with a space before the final .-ending.