Important information for setting up surname lists

  • Here, own surname lists of ancestors already known shall be posted. This surname board is aimed to provide an opportunity for communication and exchange about mutual ancestors. For the purpose of clearness and conciseness, one should outline the data as follows:
    surname - place - time
    By publishing your surnames here, one should be set to provide information on request of other users. Please note that no data of living persons may be given here. Due to data protection acts, information and data regarding living persons may only be exchanged via PM (personal message) or email. Hence, it is considered sufficient indicating only the period of time the person lived, e.g.:
    Mustermann, Max - Munich - * about 1930

    Please do not post search requests here!
    For search requests, the following boards are available:
    - if places of residence/birth/death etc. are known: Please use the regional boards!
    - if places of residence/birth/death etc. are unknown: Seeking Ancestors / Descendants and Names

    Kind regards, Rossi