Grun, Gruen, Green

  • I am seeking information about Francis Michael Green (Grun) from Braunsfelde, Marienburg, Mecklenberg Germany. He was born in 1857 to John Grun and Annae Cizlinski. Any information would be appreciated.
    I am also seeking information about Emma Cecelia Brooks from Glogau (Glogow), Prussia. She was born to Petri Bruck and Veronica Dorn in 1865.
    Also any information would be appreciated.

  • Guten Tag, Charles,

    there is a Braunsfelde (before 1879 Polnisch Lopatken) in Kreis [county] Graudenz, West Prussia [not Mecklenberg = Mecklenburg]. Is this village "your" Braunsfelde?

    Were your ancestors Evangelical Lutheran or Catholic? It is important to know their religion because you can find records either in Evangelical or Catholic parishes.

    It is also important to know all the information you have, e. g. exact birth dates. I suppose that your ancestors' surname was Grün before it was changed.

    Regards from Köln,

  • Hello Willi,
    Thank you for your reply. I have found another record that says my grandfather was from the area of Marienburg Ordprussen. I have been looking in the parish films of Stuhm thinking that was the correct location of (my) Braunswelde.
    I will be going to Salt Lake City, Utah to the Mormon Library within the next several weeks and would like to pinpoint the area as closely as possible.
    Is Stuhm the correct parish area for Catholic Green, Grun, Klein (I have seen it spelled that way also-or it looks like Klein), Gruhn.
    Also, can you read and interpret old German correspondence?
    Thank you for your reply.
    Charles Green

  • Hallo charles 731,
    bei mir sind auch ganz viele mit den Namen Grün, Gruen
    ich glaube auch ein Francis Michael Gruen
    ich bin auch eine geborene Grün
    Liebe Grüsse Anneke :)