Weibel, Weinel Karl,Mary Magdalen,Maria Kathaarine (Dilligen)

  • Looking for tranlation and meaning of the following:

    Weibel, Weinel Karl, Neukirchen (2)


    nachname unbekannt Maria Magdalena, Neunkirchen (2) 1. Weibel, Weinel, Maria Katharine 26.05.1734 Dilligen (3)P: KrellJohann (neunkirche) und Weibel Maria Katharina (Neunkirchen)

    Does it indicated where Karl was born and what about Maria Katherine. I have been searching for Karl in particular for years. Are there any records Parish type in the area. And, Mari Magdalena and Maria Katharine the latter from Dilligen. Is this a possiblilty that Karl could be from Dillingen also? Any help would be appreciated.