Röderbach 1708 – 1908

  • Does anyone have access to the following book:

    Die Einwohner von Malborn- Thiergarten mit den dazugehörigen Mühlen und Höfen und dem Weiler Röderbach 1708 – 1908“ Autor Bernd Kimmling, publ. 2001 Die Einwohner von Malborn- Thiergarten mit den dazugehörigen Mühlen und Höfen und dem Weiler Röderbach 1708 – 1908“ Autor Bernd Kimmling, publ. 2001

    I am looking for any Weibel or Webel spelling of surname can be different. Time frame between 1708 and 1760. Any help will be appreicated.



  • Hallo Dave,

    I have this book and here is no Webel/Weibel, only Weber.
    I know Bernd Kimmling, he is the work colleague of my father.
    I asked him about the names Webel/Weibel..., but he does´t know these names.

    Do you have other names that are associated with Webel/Weibel in connection?
    Any disclosures about the place or wife to which I can look?

    Many greetings