German to English translation

  • Sorry my German is so bad I have to use the Google Translator for this title from the Hannover Landesarchiv, and still can't get the idea:

    German: Anspruch der Erben des Christian Siegfried von Schwaan an das von Hans Pauls zu Wiershausen dem Kloster Hilwartshausen dargeliehene, von seinen Erben an Balthasar Jacobs und von diesem an genannten von Schwaan cedierte Kapital von 500 Talern.

    English: Claim of the heirs of Christian Siegfried v. Schwaan from those of Hans Paul of Wiershausen the Hilwartshausen monastery dargeliehene, (and?) from his heirs to Balthasar Jacobs and from the latter v. Schwaan cedierte capital of 500 thalers.

  • Hello swan C,
    English: Claim of the heirs of Christian Siegfried v. Schwaan from those
    of Hans Paul of Wiershausen the Hilwartshausen monastery granted a loan , from his heirs to Balthasar Jacobs and from the latter to v. Schwaan delivered capital of 500 thalers.

    Es ist nicht das Wissen, sondern das Lernen,
    nicht das Besitzen, sondern das Erwerben,
    nicht das Dasein, sondern das Hinkommen,
    was den größten Genuss gewährt.

    Carl Friedrich Gauß

    Suche FN Wittmann und Angeheiratete-FN Hoffmann/ Oberschlesien-FN Naujock /Ostpreußen

    Dauersuche Geburt Marianna ( Maria) Barbara Olschewski ca 1798 im Raum Dirschau

  • Hello SwanC,

    I changed the very complicated syntax an hope that is helpful for understanding:

    Raising of a claim by the heirs of Christian Siegfried von Schwaan about 500 Taler, which had been ceded by Balthasar Jacobs to the aforementioned (Christian Friedrich) von Schwaan. Hans Pauls zu Wiershausen had lent these 500 Taler before to the monastry of Hilwartshausen, his (Paul's) heirs had ceded them to Balthasar Jacobs.

    Kind regards