Looking for a place oof living of Johann and Charlotte Mordas

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    I would be thankful for any suggestions on place of living of Johann and Charlotte Mordas. Their daughter Karolina Mordas got married to in Suwalken lutheran parish in 1849 (marriage record No. 11) to Mateusz Byzio from Czerwonka: https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/63…ll/6O7d7D7YSQWndz0jjsWv1w
    There is written that Karolina lived temporarily with relatives in Czerwonka on Russian side, but her parents Johann and deceased Charlotte lived in Prussia.
    I have found interesting documents in State Archive in Elk, which is "Gruntacten Garbasen No. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 of 1814-1905 period" and Charlotte Mordas is indicated there as the coowner of the parcel in Garbasen - a village belonging to Mierunsken lutheran parish, but unfortunately she was indicated in the document in 1858 (In marriage record of her daughter in 1849, she is indicated as deceased). Maybe anyone of you have Mordas family connection or hava any idea, where this couple could live in Prussia?
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Daniel Paczkowski

  • Hello Daniel,

    I have the following family from Groß Rauscken, close to Passenheim (nowadays Pasym in Poland):
    Charlotta Appelbaum wurde ungefähr Oktober 1805 in Klein Rauschken geboren. Sie starb nach 1861 in Groß Rauschken. Sie hatte die folgenden Kinder:

    1. Louise Appelbaum / Mordass wurde 1821 in Klein Rauschken geboren. Sie starb am 15. Januar 1905 in Groß Rauschken. Louise heiratete Johann Sawitzki, Sohn von Johann Sawitzki, 02.09.1855 Aufgebot in Passenheim. Johann wurde ungefähr 1831 in Groß Rauschken geboren. Er starb am 10. Januar 1906 in Groß Rauschken.
    "Dom. 13. p. Trinit. 1855 (02.09.1855) 38. Der Jüngling Johann Sawitzky aus Groß Rauschken, des daselbst verstorbenen Einliegers Johann Sawitzky ältester Sohn, Jp. das Mädchen Louise Appelbaum aus Groß Rauschken, Stieftochter des Maurer Johann Mordas aus Groß Rauschken. Er geb. 1831. Sie geb. 1821 ich 1 rtlr."

    Charlotta Appelbaum heiratete auch (2) Johann Mordass, Sohn von Adam Mordass, 20.07.1834 Aufgebot in Passenheim. Johann wurde ungefähr 1799 in Dertz bei Seeburg geboren. Er starb nach 1861 in Groß Rauschken. Johann Mordass war 1855 Maurer in Groß Rauschken und 1861 Instmann in Groß Rauschken.
    "Dom. 8. p. Trinit. 1834 (20.07.1834) Der Junggeselle und Unteroffizier Johann Mordass aus Groß Rauschken, des verstorbenen Hausvaters Adam Mordass in Dertz bei Seeburg ältester Sohn, mit seiner Verlobten Charlotte, des verstorbenen adeligen Einsassen Andreas Appelbaum aus Klein Rauschken jüngsten Tochter. ich 15 Sgr."

    As the wife Charlotta Appelbaum had children before her marriage, she was called "Verlobte" instead of "Jungfer" (Virgin) in the church book. But she was still living in 1861, so this could be the wrong family. And Johann Mordass was not a land owner (gospodarz), but a worker instead.

    Best regards,

    Marc Plessa

  • Thank you Marc for the response. Yes, according to Karolina's marriage record Charlotte was deceased in 1849. I believe, this family should come to Suwalki region from not so far distance from Prussian/Russian border.7

    Best regards
    Daniel Paczkowski