A 1777 Epitaph from Worms cathedral

  • This epitaph is in all capital letters. I have typed out what appears but when I use Google to translate, it doesn't come out well.

    Can you help me correct the Latin and translate it to German or English?

    Thank you,
    Christiana Swan

    Anno 1776 die 27 Nov obiit et 29 hic sepultus est preaenob.
    D. Xtian Anton Steiner cam. aul. consl et praepositurae
    sumae aedis officiatus cuius iugi memoriae relicta
    vidua praenob. dna M. Magdalena nata Köhnin sui amoris
    testem posuit hunc lapidem
    qui haec legis ora pro anima defuncti utrequies
    sit ei aeterna

  • Hello Chris,

    for a better understanding without abbreviations:

    Anno 1776 die 27 Nov[embris] obiit et 29 hic sepultus est praenob[ilis] D[ivinus] Xtian (=Christian) Anton Steiner cam[erae] aul[ae] consil[iator] et praepositurae
    sum[m]ae aedis (=aedes) officiatus cuius iugi memoriae relicta
    vidua praenob[ilia] D[ivi]na M[aria?] Magdalena nata Köhnin sui amoris
    testem posuit hunc lapidem
    qui haec legis ora pro anima defuncti utrequies
    sit ei aeterna

    Kind regards

    7 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Detlef05 () aus folgendem Grund: Formatierung

  • Hi,
    just a few ideas:
    D. may stand for Dominus/Domina, instead of Divinus/-a.
    "utrequies" should be divided into "ut requies".
    The last line seems to contain a chronogram, i. e. the letters which appear a bit taller can be read as numbers adding up to a sum that represents a year (in this case 1776).

  • Hello Chris,


    has died 27.11.1776 and was burried 29.(11.1776) the highly honored
    divine* Christian Anton Steiner, advisor for the chambers of the court
    (castle?) and executive of all houses (churches?) of the Probstei,
    for whose neverending memory his surviving widow, the highly honored
    divine** M[aria?] Magdalena née Köhn, has erected this gravestone to
    certify her love.

    With regard to J.Steffen's impact change, please:

    divine* > dominus > Sir
    divine** > domina > Lady.

    Kind regards


  • Christian Anton Steiner was an official for Baron von Dalberg. From Wikipedia: Freiherr Franz Heinrich von Dalberg (+ 9.12.1776) war kurmainzischer und kurtrierischer Geheimer Rat und Statthalter in Worms.

    Does this make a difference in the translation? I can't find a definition or translation for "Probstei".

    Anno 1776 die 27 Novembris obiit et 29 hic sepultus est praenobilis Dominus Christian Anton Steiner camerae aulae consiliator et praepositurae summae aedes officiatus cuius iugi memoriae relicta vidua praenobilia Domina Maria Magdalena nata Köhnin sui amoris testem posuit hunc lapidem. Qui haec legis ora pro anima defuncti ut requies sit ei aeterna.

    There has died 27.11.1776 and was buried 29.11.1776 the highly honored Sir Christian Anton Steiner, advisor for the chambers of the court and executive of all houses (churches?) of the Probstei, for whose neverending memory his surviving widow, the highly honored Lady Maria Magdalena née Köhn, has erected this gravestone to certify her love. Thou who readest this pray for the soul of the deceased so he may have eternal rest.

    Google translates to German:

    Dort ist der 27.11.1776 gestorben und am 29.11.1776 wurde der hochgeehrte Sir Christian Anton Steiner, Berater der Kammern des Gerichts und der Exekutive aller Häuser (Kirchen?) Der Probstei, bestattet, für dessen unendliches Gedächtnis seine überlebende Witwe, die hoch gelebt hat Lady Maria Magdalena, geborene Köhn, hat diesen Grabstein errichtet, um ihre Liebe zu bestätigen. Sie, die dies lesen, beten für die Seele des Verstorbenen, damit er sich ewig erholen kann.