I am looking for information on the family of Johann Georg Weibel b. 1692 son of Christoph, La Wantzentzenau (Alsace) France. He married Anna KleinPeter date unknown. Also like information on Anna KleinPeter, dates, middle name and parents name.
Johann George and Anna had a daughter Anna Maria Weibel b. 1715 in Wantzenau. I am trying to find other siblings born to this union especcially a Karl/Carl Weibel born abt. 1720-30 time frame.
There is also a Johanna Barbara Waibel b. 19 Nov 1696 Listed in La Wantzenau, daughter of Christian Waibel and Ursula Klein. Maybe was a brother of Christoph ( who had the son Johann Georg Weibel b. 1692 above)
Any and all information about this family will be appreciated.
Thank You:
David W Wyble Sr.
Salem, Virginia USA