Translation help - MUB440 from 1235

  • New member, first post. My father-in-law says it's time for him to retire and leave the family research to the younger generation, so he hands me this entry from the Mecklenburg. Urkundenbuch and tells me to figure it out. Since I don't know a word of German without Google Translate, I decided to take one step at a time and try to get the 1235 German into 2013 German shape. So I took one word at a time and checked it to see if it had a translation or a suggestion and searched the net for the rest. I hope someone will check my work and see if the new German makes sense before I try to get it to English. Here's the old and the new:


    Brunwardus, bischoff zu Zwerin, legt zu seinem gestiffteten Closter zu Rune den Zehenden von zehen Hufen zu Holtzendorff (in uilla Holtzatorum), die sein Oheim (consanguineus) Thetleuus, ein ritter von Godebuz, von Jhm zu lehne gehabt, vnd das seine gedechtnuss oder memoria alda in der Kirchen mochte gehalten werden, wider vffgetragen hat; item den Zehenden von eilff Hufen vnd den dritten teil des Zehenden, so fallen wirt vom orte dess holtzes, so noch aussgeradet werden soll zu Grantzin, welchen Nicolaus von Bruseuitz, ritter, abgetretten; noch funfftehalbe Hufe zu Boytin, die Conradus von Sywan Jhm vffgetragen hat, wie er sein Schwester Elisabeth inss Closter gegeben. Actum 1235, indict. 9. Datum in Buzyow, 3. nonas Nouembris.


    Brunwardus, Bischof zu Schwerin, legt zu seinem gestifteten Closter zu Rune den Zehnten von zehn Hufen zu Holtzendorf (in villa Holtzatorum), die sein Onkel (blutsverwandt) Thetleuus, ein Ritter von Gadebusch, von Ihm zu lehne gehabt, und das seine Gedächtnis oder memoria alda in der Kirchen mochte gehalten werden, wider aufgetragen hat; ebenfalls den Zehnten von elf Hufen und den dritten Teil des Zehnten, so fallen wirt vom Orte des Hölzer, so noch aus geradet werden soll zu Grantzin, welchen Nicolaus von Bruseuitz, Ritter, abgetreten; noch viereinhalbHufe zu Boitin, die Konrad von Schwan Ihm aufgetragen hat, wie er sein Schwester Elisabeth ins Closter gegeben. Akt 1235, indict. 9. Datum in Bützow, 3. November.

    Thanks so much if you can help,

    (Mrs.) Chris Swan

  • I suggest to divide the sentence in different parts:

    Bischof Brunwart von Schwerin übergibt seiner Stiftung, dem Kloster Rühn, den Zehnten. Das sind die Zinsen aus den 10 Hufen Land in Holzendorf, die sein Onkel Detlef von Gadebusch zum Lehen hatte. Er hat diesen Besitz an den Lehnsherrn zurückfallen lassen, um sein Andenken in
    der Kirche zu erhalten. Hinzu kommt der Zinsertrag von 11 Hufen Land, sowie ein Drittel der Zinserträge aus der Holzernte, die bei den Rodungen um Grantzin anfällt. Diesen Besitz hat Ritter Nikolaus von Brusewitz abgetreten. Außerdem 5,5 Hufen Land in Boitin, die Konrad von Sywan ihm vermacht hat, als er seine Schwester Elisabeth
    ins Kloster gab. Bützow, den 3. November 1235.

    I am sorry, that I can´t tell you the meaning in English, because I do not know the termini for Lehen, Lehnsherr, Lehnsmann etc.

    QVEM QVAERIS? ("Wen suchst Du?"- Johannes 20,15)

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von F.W.Seipe ()

  • Hello Chris:


    Brunward {note: the name is latinized here}, Bischof zu Schwerin, legt zu seinem gestifteten Kloster zu
    Rühn {= Kloster Rühn} den Zehnten von zehn Hufen zu Holzendorf (im Dorf Holzendorf {todays zip: 19406}),
    die sein Onkel (blutsverwandt) Thetlev {note: the name is latinized here = Thetlevus, today it is Detlev/Detlef}, ein Ritter von Gadebusch, von Ihm zu Lehen gehabt, und das seine Gedächtnis oder memoria alda in
    der Kirche möchte gehalten werden, wider aufgetragen hat; ebenfalls
    den Zehnten von elf Hufen und den dritten Teil des Zehnten, so fallen
    wird vom Orte des Holzes,
    so noch ausgerodet werden soll zu Granzin, welchen Nicolaus von
    Brusevitz, Ritter, abgetreten; noch fünfeinhalb Hufe zu Boitin, die
    Konrad von Schwan Ihm aufgetragen hat, wie er sein Schwester Elisabeth
    ins Kloster gegeben. Akte 1235, indict. 9. Datum in Bützow, 3. November.

    Brunward, bishop of Schwerin, willed to his founded cloyster Rühn the tenth (= 10 %) of ten Hufen {note: 1 Hufen = 30 morgen = 9 hectare} of Holzendorf (in the village of Holzendorf) which he had given as a feud to his uncle (consanguineous) Thetlev, a knight of Gadebusch, and assigned again his commemoration or memoria alda to be celebrated in the church; as well the tenth of eleven Hufen and the third part of the tenth of the timbers from the place that will be cleared in Garzin, that has been conveyed by the knight Nicolaus von Brusevitz; as well five and a half {note alternatively: five halfs} Hufen in Boitin transferred by Conrad von Schwan when when he has given his sister Elisabeth to the cloyster. ...

    Kind regards

  • Hello all,

    Thank you for your quick and very helpful responses. It is said that you can know a man by the company he keeps. I researched the knight von Gadebusch, who was very close to Lord Henry Borwin I., and very important in Mecklenburg history; and the knight von Brusewitz, who was known to be the locator for many Mecklenburg towns. But who is Conradus von Sywan? He is not called a knight, but he is called a “von” and has land to donate. There is no mention of him in Stadt Schwaan, but he is later (1259) mentioned in Rostock, and he had a (possible) son named Henry who was with Lord Nicolaus Werle as a witness and Vogt in Güstrow and was later a property owner in Rostock. From there the next generation is landed in Pomerania.

    I read that from the time of Duke Henry the Lion of Saxony, the land of Mecklenburg was given to knights of the rulers for their service, for example, Count Gunzelin of Schwerin. How is it possible that Conradus von Sywan is so wealthy but he is not a knight? I would appreciate any opinions or discussion.

    Best wishes,

    (Mrs.) Chris Swan

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von SwanC () aus folgendem Grund: bad spelling

  • Hello Chris,

    wealth was not a criteria for becoming a knight but the curriculum vitae. A boy of a noble house aged 7 had to leave his parents' house and to live as a donzel/footboy in another noble house. There he had to learn basics like horse-riding, swimming, shooting with crossbow and bow and arrow, climbing, jumping, table manners. Only those donzels who achieved these qualifications became knaves when they were 14 of age.
    For another 7 years they were trained and brought to perfection, including e.g. dancing, fawning, playing chess etc..
    Finally the "perfect" knave became in a ritual act a knight, either by so called "Schwertleite" = delivering of sword and crest or by accolade.

    Maybe Conrad von Schwan was not athletic or/and intellectual enough for becoming a night.

    Kind regards

  • Hi Detlef,
    You post was really interesting and informative. Maybe you are a knight and we should call you Sir Detlef. I never heard the word donzel before, and in English a knave is a scoundrel. I think the donzel is like a page, and the knave is like a squire. Could a man remain a squire all his life? And yet, a Baron von Schwaan in the late 1700s wrote a memoir that described the coat of arms (Wappen) of the von Schwaan family from Schwaan (a swimming swan on blue). Is it possible that Conradus von Sywan (Schwan, Schwaan) was a foreigner? Maybe he was already wealthy, from, say, Flanders. I read that many settlers who came to coastal areas or rivers were from Flanders, invited because of their skills in flood prevention and making poor land productive. Or maybe Conradus von Sywan was just not athletic, since he seemed to be intellectual enough to become a land owner when it was not allowed for ordinary people. I guess we will never know for sure.
    Thanks for your great post,

  • Kleinigkeit am Rande:

    "vnd das seine gedechtnuss oder memoria alda in der Kirchen mochte gehalten werden" – alda ist nicht lateinisch, sondern schlicht als "dort" (all-da) zu übertragen: "und daß sein Gedächtnis oder memoria dort in der Kirche möge gehalten werden".

    Pfalz (FN Werle, Kraft, Blauth, Briegel, Antes, Heil), Finistère (FN Salaün, Bécam), Hzm. Schleswig (FN Studt, Bendixen [Brarupholz]), Schleswig-Holstein (FN Dierck)