Sugar Refiners & Sugarbakers
Der geographische Schwerpunkt der Einträge in dieser Datenbank liegt in Großbritannien und erstreckt sich auf Menschen, die zwischen dem 17. und 19. Jahrhundert im Zuckersiedereigewerbe beschäftigt waren. Genauere Angaben finden sich oft in den angegebenen Quellen oder beim Betreiber dieser Datenbank. Wir freuen uns über Ergänzungen und Hinweise, die zur weiteren Entwicklung dieser Datenbank beitragen.
Gerne helfen, wenn ich kann.
*** Sugar Refiners & Sugarbakers
It is generally agreed that the sugar trade began in the UK, in London, c1544, with two cane sugar refineries .... today there is barely one.
In between, a vast number of individuals and companies have come and gone, in an industry, which until the 20c, was a notoriously labour intensive, hot, exhausting, and dangerous place to work.
Many German migrants worked in the industry; some stopped off in the UK and worked as labourers in order to earn the money for their fares to N America.
A database, of over 44,000 entries, of some of those involved in the cane sugar refining industry, mainly in the UK, 16-20C.
Additional information may be available from the original sources, or from the compiler, who will also be pleased to receive further contributions to the database.
Happy to help where I can.